The Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center relies on partners and collaborations to accomplish its goals. We are grateful for their support.

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
A key partner of the avalanche center since the center began issuing backcountry avalanche hazard forecast in December 1976. JHMR offers financial support as well as on site resources including weather stations, ski patrol, access, and operations.

Wyoming State Trails
Wyoming State Trails has partnered with the avalanche center since 2001 to obtain over $500,00 in federal grant funding through the Recreational Trails Program. This funding supports avalanche hazard forecasting and avalanche education for winter trail users in Wyoming.

Box Y Lodge
Partners with the avalanche center to operate remote weather stations that provide essential data for daily avalanche hazard forecasts.

Brooks Lake Lodge
Partners with the avalanche center to operate remote weather stations that provide essential data for daily avalanche hazard forecasts.

Grand Targhee Resort
Grand Targhee operates and maintains weather stations in partnership with the avalanche center. The data from those stations is an essential component of the resort avalanche hazard mitigation program and a key element of the avalanche centers avalanche hazard forecast program.

Grand Teton National Park Foundation
The Foundation provided funding for the two new weather stations in Grand Teton National Park and the avalanche professional position that was created in the 2018/19 season.

International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association
Provides annual funding for
avalanche education to winter trail users.

Grand Teton National Park
In addition to providing avalanche observations, snow pit profiles and field observations from the park, Grand Teton National Park (starting 2018/19) hired an avalanche professional on a seasonal basis who’s mission is to support the operations of the avalanche center in the national park. GTNP also installed, operates and maintains two new weather stations in September 2018 that provides essential data for the avalanche center’s Teton area daily avalanche hazard forecast.

National Weather Service
We have worked closely with our partners at the National Weather Service since we began issuing daily avalanche forecast in December 1976.

Snow King Resort
Snow King operates and maintains weather stations in partnership with the avalanche. The data from those stations is an essential component of the resort avalanche hazard mitigation program and a key element of the avalanche centers’s avalanche hazard forecast program.